The winds of fall arrived in my neighborhood this afternoon at 1:30, big gusts moving the treetops and blowing leaves everywhere.  This wind is different than the summer breezes we have had until today, this is serious, big wind that means business.  Have you finished your chores in preparation for the coming cold? Not much time left, so get to it!

 When I walk outdoors in the fall and the wind is blowing like this, I imagine that the trees are giving me a standing ovation and do my best.  Climbing hills is so much easier when you feel nature is supporting you!  

There is a place I can be where it is as if my breath is creating the wind and the wind is creating my breath.  The peacefulness is inspiring and I feel as if I am truly a part of nature and the cosmos.    Do you ever come to a place like that in your day? 

I encourage you to spend a few moments outdoors no matter the weather and see if you can tap into that place where the trees give YOU a standing ovation – I know you will be the change you wish to see in the world when you do!

A friend wants to “put up haiku along my front yard to encourage slower driving. If you know of, or can write, true haiku that includes the concept of slowing down, please share it with me.”

I wrote a few, want to try your hand?

Water flows along

Like cars on a Sunday drive

Leaves begin to fall


Your heart holds the branch

While you consciously drive by

For a bird to rest


Slowly seasons change

Our awareness reminds us

Gone in an instant


If we remember

What it means to be a child

Playfully we go


Each at its own pace

Oblivious to others

Tomatoes ripen


With attention paid

The lazy days of summer

Can stay in our heart


A moment at ease

While doing your autumn chores

Awakens your life

Seattle is the most sustainable large city in the nation!

I sometimes think we in the Seattle metro area are behind the curve as far as being green and sustainable, but then a study like this comes out and I am heartened.   Remember: my husband and I have an organic, raised bed garden that we grow a lot of our vegetables, I drive a hybrid car, recycle a LOT, compost, work from home, my idea of fun is a walk around Greenlake with friends and a stop at a locally owned restaurant for a nosh.  For the most part, I think we live pretty light on the earth. 

Here is a quick re-cap from the study, Seattle is:

First for Green Building, Air Quality, Energy Production & Conservation – Yeah, team!

Second for Green Space – We saved Waldo Woods. Have you planted a tree recently?

Third for Recycling – Let us get better here folks, it is so easy.

Fourth for Standard of Living and Water Quality – We need something to work on!

Fifth for transportation – But we all know that.  Have you ridden mass transit lately?

Ninth for Environmental Standards and Participation – Hey, what gives here?

It pleases me to learn that we are moving along in a sustainable way as a big city and want to give us all a little pat on the back for our contributions no matter how big or how small.  I hope you will join me today in taking a moment to give thanks that you live here and do your part to keep Seattle sustainable.

As you know, I am a prosperity coach.  I realize that what some of you do not know is how I got into this type of work, so I thought I would tell you the story here: 

Some time ago a friend approached me and said “Diane, I want you to be my abundance coach.”  To which I intelligently replied

“Uh, what is that and why me?”

“You are the only person I know that walks the walk and not just talks the talk about being in sync with money and the flow of energy into your life, you never seem to worry about money and I KNOW you are a commissioned sales person (real estate) and I want you to teach me what you do!” 

“But, I’m not a financial counselor and I don’t have any idea where you should put your money”

“No, what I want you to teach me is how you can live such an abundant life no matter what is happening in your financial life.” “I have been in debt for my entire adult life (said my mid forties age friend) and I just want to be able to feel the way you seem to feel, get my blocks around making money under control, understand the way you handle set backs and IF I can get out of debt, that would be a bonus!”

 I went home and thought about what it is that I do as far as money, flow and abundance is concerned.  I wrote everything down and designed a program that I thought would help my friend.

We got together over the course of a few months and went over the program.  We discussed many issues that are typically taboo in “polite society” – my goodness talking about money, religion and politics is practically unheard of for those of a certain age!

We discussed legacy issues, things handed down from well-meaning relatives. We discussed society issues, things seemingly inherent in how we conduct business today.  We discussed emotional, psychological, spiritual even body issues! as we delved deeper and deeper into her specific story.  We met over the course of a few months.  Focused and diligent in our meetings and the completion of all homework (sometimes more enthusiastically than others) we began the process of removing my friend’s blockages to a prosperous life. 

A little over a year later, I was greeted with “Diane, you will never guess what?” when I bumped into her in the neighborhood one day.  Although I was sure what was next, I simply said “what?”

 “I am COMPLETELY OUT of debt for the first time in my life!”  This from a person who had tens of thousands of dollars in debt, who had been working over 60 hours a week and who NEVER thought that “debt free” would be part of life!

From that time on, working only by referral and word of mouth, I decided that if I can help people on such a profound level by simply sharing what it is that I do in my daily life then I should and Prosperity Coaching with the Goddess was born! 

I am telling you this story in hope that you will take a moment to think about your own story about money, prosperity, abundance and flow and if you would like to clean up your own “stuff” around these issues that you will allow the Goddess to help you!

As you know, my repertoire includes Feng Shui, both Space and Personal Energetic Clearing, Transition Support, Vigorous Listening (walk and talk encouragement and direction) and I am also an accomplished intuitive real estate agent with a history of connecting people with the right spaces and helping create spaces that truly support and inspire.

Is the time ripe for you to tap into the flow of abundance, prosperity and destiny the Goddess way?  The Goddess will help you break through blocks from a position of power in a nurturing, intuitive way.  Is it your time?

 I love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts on what abundance and prosperity mean to you!

Mimi’s Conscious Death


Being with our cat at the end of her life

Dying as she lived

Peaceful, non-complaining, present

She said her goodbye

One paw patting, pick me up

Time on my lap the day before

She spends the next 31 hours

Saying goodbye to the things she loved

A little time on the porch in her favorite shade spots

A little time under the lightly scented white flowers in the front garden

A little time on the sidewalk in the warming sun

Making herself as comfortable as she could

Her body weakening

Energy enough to take her where she wished

The last moments in the shade of the Japanese maple

Among the hostas and peonies in her yard

Stretched out, graceful til the end

Her last breath of good earth

Consciously supported

Living as she died


Mimi died in the afternoon of Sunday June 7th 2009 she is missed.  She adopted us sometime between 3 and 6 years old and lived with us for 12 years.  We are blessed by her presence.

I taught a class recently about doing things that scare you and I made a promise that I would get myself to the rooftop of a very high building soon (I am afraid of heights). 

I told the class it would be the top of the Columbia Tower (highest building in Seattle I could think of).

I am asking all of my friends if you know anyone who can make this dream (nightmare?) a reality, let me know!

When the moisture is absent, from the air and the ground, everything in nature retreats inward and instead of filling out each leaf, each blade of grass, each body, nature waits.  Nature waits for the weather to return to normal and waits until the crisis has passed.  They do not die; they just gather most of their resources inside, keep themselves together and weather the crisis.  This is what we do when there is an arid time or a crisis in our own lives.

Here are some things to do while you are experiencing your own dry spell:

1.  Keep energy expenditures at a minimum My cat has not moved out of that shady spot all day.  Follow her lead and make yourself comfortable wherever you are and hunker down!

2.   Allow the world to keep spinning but take your energy off the ride.  Nothing earth-shatteringly important will happen while you retreat and besides, if it does, someone else can handle it until you are ready to get back on the ride!

3.   Accept the little graces that come your way  A warm breeze on a hot day will blow a little of the dust away.  A friend really is happy to buy your an iced coffee, let her! 

4.   Be grateful that you have resources on which you can rely Count your blessings and realize how lucky you are to be able to weather this particular dry spell with such aplomb and style! Are you not doing so well?  Know that next time will be easier.

5.   Pay attention to the experience so you will know what to do when this happens again. Are you more parched then you want to be?  Do you need some more support from people? Notice what you are particularly lacking and when this dry spell is over, take action so you will be prepared next time.

6.   Do not panic, just wait Every dry spell has an end.  Do you think you do not have another ounce of strength?  I bet you can find something to inspire you to continue for a while longer.

7.   Take comfort that others have been there.  Yep, it happens to the best of us, so give yourself a little grace, do not beat yourself up and remember, into each life a little rain must fall and it will come soon to YOU!

Ever been in a dry spell? Please share your thoughts and advice here.

Well knock me over with a feather! I did not know that this proclamation existed! Having never seen it before, I was surprised and a little saddened when a friend sent it to me. Surprised that in all of my education I had never come across this before and saddened that Mother’s Day has departed so sharply from this original proclamation!

Now, don’t get me wrong, whatever one does on Mother’s Day is their business, but can you imagine if all of us women used this day as a time to promote peace instead of eating brunch? I am sending this in hope that we can remember the original proclamation and do something to promote peace on Mother’s Days to come. 

Julia Ward Howe (27 May 1819 – 17 Oct 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet most famous as the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Her “Mother’s Day Proclamation” was one of the early calls to celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States. Written in 1870, it was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe’s feminist belief that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level.

By Julia Ward Howe

Arise then…women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts! Whether your baptism be of water or of tears! Say firmly: “We will not have questions answered by irrelevant agencies, Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We, the women of one country, Will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.” From the bosom of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own. It says: “Disarm! Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.” Blood does not wipe out dishonor, Nor violence indicate possession. As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war, Let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace… Each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, But of God – In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask That a general congress of women without limit of nationality, May be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient And the earliest period consistent with its objects, To promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, The great and general interests of peace.

WOW!  What do you think about this?

A full service buyer’s agent should:

Be an advocate who acts in your best interest (and only your interest) at all times.

Listen to you!  Your agent should be able to hear what you are saying and understand how to assist you.  If the agent specializes in downtown condominiums and you are looking for a ranch in the country, they should be willing to refer you to a competent agent that will meet your needs, no hard feelings!

Understand your specific goals and act accordingly.  This means you should have an appointment with your agent where you do not look at any properties, just get to know each other and make sure you are a good professional match.

Be proficient with the latest technology.  We are in an electronic age.  A full service buyer’s agent should be able to use the appropriate technology to your benefit.

Understand market trends, the changes to local and national real estate law, and be able to explain how these changes and trends might affect you.

Work with a company that has a full-time support staff (broker, office manager, transaction coordinator, etc.) You would be surprised how much the support of these people can enhance your buying experience.

Be an excellent communicator and keep you informed, in the way that works for you (e-mail, text, phone, ESP, whatever you like) throughout the entire process.  Communication is so important during this stressful time and it is better to know what is going on than to imagine the worst!  Find an agent that listens, speaks and acts in the way that works for you.

Be able to give constructive, professional (and even personal) advice during all stages of the buying process.  Listen, good agents have seen it all and should be eager to share their knowledge.

Understand the importance of previewing and knowing the houses on the market.  This ensures that you see the right properties without wasted effort.

Point out potential problems with a property and communicate them to you clearly.  Good inspectors are essential here and there is no substitute for a professional inspection, but an experienced agent should also be aware of any red flags and bring anything they notice to your attention for further inspection.

Let you know of any external factors that may not be obvious but may influence a property’s value, either now or in the future. Yes, sometimes in the heat of the moment you may not notice that the home is near the freeway and across from the dump, but your agent should bring these issues to your attention. You may still purchase the home, but you will do it from a position of understanding the pitfalls as well as the benefits.

Advise you to walk away from a property if necessary.  Your agent should be talking to you all the time about what is truly important; if something is wrong they should speak up and counsel you to walk away if that is what is best for you. 

Understand common issues of homeownership and maintenance and relay that information to you as appropriate.  Hey, there is a lot to this stuff! Your agent should have a basic understanding of everything home related and be able to find answers to the things they do not know.

Be a strong negotiator. I cannot stress this enough!  Negotiation is one of the most important aspects of the entire process. This does not mean that they should be mean and spiteful, but they should know the intricacies of how to strongly negotiate AND get you the home of your dreams.

Understand and explain how to best position your offer in competitive situations.  There are many ways to make an offer stand out and your agent should be well versed in what will work for you.  Remember, the goal here is for you to be living in the home of your dreams, so make your offer shine!

Be able to provide competent and professional industry contacts including inspectors, lenders and home repair people.  Your agent is a professional.  Your agent should understand the importance of knowing other professionals, with great reputations, who can provide appropriate services to you. 

Attend all inspections and go over the results to you.  You should also attend the inspection, as that is your time to learn much more than just the specifics of this property.  You will also learn basic home maintenance tips and will then be able to understand in a more thorough way what you are getting into with this home buying thing!  Reviewing and understanding the results (and taking appropriate action) may save you a lot of heartache and money, in the future. 

Manage the closing process.  Many things happen from the time your offer is accepted to when you receive the keys. Your agent must be able to coordinate all of the steps necessary for each party, keep things moving and not allow anything minor to turn into a major issue.

Be able to counsel you about the myriad details of home ownership.  After the sale closes, you should feel comfortable asking questions and your full service agent should be a resource for you as long as you need them!

Did you notice that I did not say that your full service buyer’s agent should FIND the house for you?  Hey, they are not hiding homes, they put them right out in the open where anyone can find them!  Go down the street!  Look around, they are everywhere!  Remember, we are in an electronic age and you may “find” the home before your agent, but as I hope I have made clear, there is a LOT more to a successful home buying experience. 

What do you think a buyer’s agent should do?  Let me know!

Get out there, find the best agent for you and buy the home of your dreams.  I promise it will change your life!

It is spring and the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and it seems like everything is bursting!  I planted some daffodil bulbs from the Arboretum uwbotanicgarden sale last year and they have just shown their lovely yellow and rose colors to me this morning. It seems like everything is more fragrant and soft and everyone looks happy.  This is the time of year tailor made to assist you in your search for more positive energy. 

What can you do to capitalize on this exciting time? Clear the clutter around your front door. Yes you! 

Take a moment and look at the entrance of your home (both exterior and interior).  Is it dark and dingy? Is it full of stuff you will “take care of when you get a moment?” Can you open the door fully?  Does the key stick?  Here is my personal visualization about how clear the front walk, door and entrance should be:

Imagine you are the guest of honor at a very fancy function where ball gowns are de rigueur.  As you walk out the door of your home, you do not want to have anything around you that may snag your long, flowing gown (yes, guys, you can imagine yourself in a ball gown or if you must, visualize someone else, but I think you are missing out).  You do not want to have anything that detracts from your loveliness, you want the world to notice YOU not the boots from last winter thrown on the floor!  You want your return from the function to be just as worry free.  Imagine your delight when you return and nothing impedes your way into your lovely clutter free home!  OK, the clutter free rest of the home is for another post!   

For now, just spend a few minutes sprucing up the entrance of your home.  You will be amazed at how fast the energy changes in your entire life.  As an added bonus, the perfect answers to those questions you have been pondering will come “out of the blue”! 

What does your entrance look like?  Is it what you really want to be showing the world? Are you ready for a change?  Now would be the perfect time for a little spruce up, your public awaits!